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Dream Life in Paris

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My name is Teri O’halo McMahonn. I’m a freelance lifestyle writer. I love the beauty of a simple laid back lifestyle. Things like simple home decor, home cleaning hacks, gardening, homesteading, travel, and of course healthy eating. I write a lot about these and have several satisfied clients to show for it. 

On Writing Tributes

I find life so fasinating. The fact that you can be here today and be gone tomorrow makes me obsessed with the purpose behind it all. I believe that when we finally become ashes to ashes, the greatest satisfaction that comes from a truly well-lived life is telling the story of how the choices we made and the lives we led shaped, inspired, and impacted the world in our time.

 The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. —  Ralph Waldo Emerson

That’s why I write passionately about human interest stories, especially life and death. I’ve written about heartbreak, rejection, disability, poverty, homelessness, and untold grief. Some of my works can be seen in publications like YourTango and WritersWeekly. Of late I’m writing more on grief and loss and just how much the human spirit can endure before it runs out of resilience. I write about the wretchedness of life in its rawest most vulnerable form.

Because I believe that each of us has a story to tell and yet unless you have the guts to write your obit while still alive, your story will be told by someone else in a way that may not capture who you were in real life. 
A true life story (tribute) shouldn’t be merely about when we were born, where we schooled, what we did for a living, and the offspring we sired and with whom. It should be told in deep words that capture and honor our memories as unique individuals.

That’s why I talk about life and death. When we transition from this life to the next, we’d love to have our stories told in a way that captures our character and personality, creating lasting memories beyond our lifetime.
Knowing that not everyone can weave together such stories in moments of grief and loss, I step in to relieve that burden by writing the most passionate tributes and eulogies that truly honor our departed ones.
If you have lost a loved one recently and want a personalized obituary full of flair and personality, read through my posts, and if you like what you see, we can talk about it.

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Teri O'halo McMahon

I help families bring out the beauty and character of their dear ones by writing obituaries, tributes, eulogies and mini biographies that define their legacy. Obituaries that go beyond the usual bland and dull announcements, capturing the essence of their true selves.

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I help families bring out the beauty and character of their dear ones by writing obituaries, tributes, eulogies and mini biographies that define their legacy. Obituaries that go beyond the usual bland and dull announcements that fail to capture the essence of who those people really were.

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